crashsms Documentation

crashsms is a supervisor “event listener”, intended to be subscribed to PROCESS_STATE events and TICK events such as TICK_60. It monitors all processes running under a given supervisord instance.

Similar to crashmailbatch, crashsms sends SMS alerts through an email gateway. Messages are formatted to fit in SMS

crashsms is a “console script” installed when you install superlance. Although crashsms is an executable program, it isn’t useful as a general-purpose script: it must be run as a supervisor event listener to do anything useful.

Command-Line Syntax

$ crashsms --toEmail=<email address> --fromEmail=<email address> \
        [--interval=<batch interval in minutes>] [--subject=<email subject>] \
                [--tickEvent=<event name>]
-t <destination email>, --toEmail=<destination email>

Specify comma separated email addresses to which crash notification messages are sent.

-f <source email>, --fromEmail=<source email>

Specify an email address from which crash notification messages are sent.

-i <interval>, --interval=<interval>

Specify the time interval in minutes to use for batching notifcations. Defaults to 1.0 minute.

-s <email subject>, --subject=<email subject>

Set the email subject line. Default is None

-e <event name>, --tickEvent=<event name>

Override the TICK event name. Defaults to “TICK_60”

Configuring crashsms Into the Supervisor Config

An [eventlistener:x] section must be placed in supervisord.conf in order for crashsms to do its work. See the “Events” chapter in the Supervisor manual for more information about event listeners.

The following example assumes that crashsms is on your system PATH.

command=crashsms --toEmail="<mobile number>@<sms email gateway>" --fromEmail=""